Offer from one of our suppliers for the month of May 2023
Suspendisse rutrum tortor justo, eu sollicitudin nisl pretium et. In a elit ligula. Cras nisl lacus, volutpat!
For our responsiveness, our personalized response to your issues,
our availability and our skills that make us unique.
We intervene – and have already intervened – on all continents. However, you must specify the intervention frameworks, methods, contacts and on-site representatives who are involved. Without forgetting the formalities of entry and residence in a professional capacity in the country concerned in the event of intervention and travel on site.
What is the point of tackling a mission if the men and the means are lacking? It is vital for the success of the missions that you entrust to us that the men have the necessary skills and the means and tools are there. Nothing must be lacking and this is our first quality requirement.
We follow a “classic” path for our services and the stages of our projects: Sourcing of the product and validation of its quality (POP), validation of prices in relation to the market, definition and locking of commissions/Fees (NCNDA, fee contracts ), definitions of delivery conditions. Step by step follow-up of the project until its complete realization.
organize and manage a project in order to achieve a predefined objective or result. We are no exception to this rule. You have to be methodical, precise and transparent. And we do not forget the principle N°1: everything is done with the collaboration and the approval of the customer
Suspendisse rutrum tortor justo, eu sollicitudin nisl pretium et. In a elit ligula. Cras nisl lacus, volutpat!